Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Our Class Wiki - So Far

As of lately I have not contributed to the class Wiki. Though I have been thinking of the content I would like to add. I think I may create a page on the Wiki that will let the class contribute YouTube and other videos too. The topic may be something fun or something of educational value. Going forward I will focus on this, and of course making sure the page is free of grammatical errors.

Monday, April 18, 2016


File sharing is the transfer of files from one person to another. Common file sharing methods is downloading directly off a server through the internet. Like downloading your favorite song off of iTunes. P2P file sharing relies on third party applications to download files from a variety of individuals. The individuals who have the file you are looking to download are the distribution servers.

It was interesting to read how P2P and bit-torrent lead to the creation of a simple legal option, the iTunes Music Store. P2P is often regarding as an illegal activity, which in some cases is true but now always. P2P can lead to copyright infringement by downloading movies, games, and music without paying for it. When purchasing software, the company grants you a license to use that software, with P2P that license is not granted. I read recently that the internet companies are focusing on pinpointing the individuals that download music illegally and threaten to shut their internet down.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Privacy & Confidentiality

The above photo should state " Find us on Facebook even though we deleted our Facebook accounts." Once something is placed onto a new media application, it is likely to remain there. High school students who grew up while Facebook was emerging are currently regretting some of the posts in hindsight. Confidentiality is really only possible when people avoid placing confidential information online. Social media in particular can let confidential information spread rather quickly. In regards to privacy, websites and social media sites collect a significant amount of data about there users, each and every action is recorded and is used to determine consumer behavior. Some believe that harnessing this data is an invasion of privacy. More recently, privacy and new media, in particular social media, has been making headlines recently. Given the FBIs requests to Apple to unlock an iPhone, Facebook responded by securing all messages on its applications. No messages can ever be opened by anyone, even the Facebook. Social media in particular has redirected its focus to ensure that privacy is protected.

Advice to Baruch College

Upon enterance into Baruch College as an employee to use new media to improve the college. Immediately, I will have all departments require assignments to be completed online that would utilize new media applications. Finding data and using data is an integral part of every potential career therefore this will help students prepare for life after college. Additionally, I would use an mobile application that integrates all of CUNY first's information and action tools. CUNY first is an inefficient tool that lacks a mobile application to allow students to conveniently access there schedules from there cell phones. Lastly, I would all communication intensive courses will require the use of blogs, wikis, social media, or even podcasts. These are applications in which everyone uses, and can spark creativity in the class room. Each new media application can translate into soft skills.